Hey you. (Yes, you.) Come on in here for a second. Have a seat. We need to chat. Go ahead. Make yourself comfortable on the sofa. This might take a minute or two, but I promise it will be painless… We need to talk about something — get something straight. We need to talk about protection. You need protection. To, you know, protect you. Don’t give me that look. Stay with me for a second. This is important. There can always be too much of a good thing, kiddo. And fresh air is no exception.
Now don’t get me wrong. Fresh air is awesome. Sunshine. Vitamin D. Cool breezes. Happy little birds serenading you while you drink your coffee… But you still need protection. Protection from dust and sand. Protection from the sun’s damaging rays. And let’s not forget about protection for the man-eating, six-legged, winged creatures that are just waiting to get into your little sanctuary and make a feast of you. The good news is you can have all the good stuff while still being protected from the bad stuff. That’s why I need to tell you about our retractable screens.
You look like the mechanical type, am I right? You like to take things apart and fix them up? I’d venture to guess there’s a nice workshop or garage you tinker around in. Imagine having the ability to open up your garage bay on a beautiful day, and press a button to make a garage-door-sized screen slide into place to keep out the bugs but let the breezes blow through. We can accommodate openings of up to 24 feet wide and 13 feet tall. That’s a lot of fresh air to tinker in, my friend!
No? Not a mechanical type? More of a “sit-back-and-relax” kind of person when there’s time to spare? No problem. Be it a porch, deck, lanai, veranda, patio, or wherever you like to enjoy a little fresh air, we can provide customized retractable screens that simply slide into place, secured with a magnet or grabber-catch.
Maybe you’re not a “chill-on-the-veranda-with-an-iced-tea” type either. Maybe you just work all day in an office and when you get home, you want to breathe a little fresh air and feel like you’re not cooped up. Our StowAway™ screens can be customized to fit any door and eliminate the need for storm doors, and it slides away into a slim protective case that can also be customized to match your décor.
See, pal? And aren’t you glad you know now? From fancy French doors to your front porch or back patio, our retractable screens are a perfectly minimal and easy solution for enjoying fresh air and cool breezes without the sun beating on you and the constant, annoying “buzz-slap” routine of defending yourself against insects.
That was fairly painless, right?

She uses her retractable screens on her bedroom doors. Can you tell she’s not worried about bugs?