Zero-energy home in Belize- powered by solar
This Belizean beach house is not your typical tropical home. It does not have plush amenities or running water. It does not have traditional electricity. It is a zero-energy home that was made with the priority of energy-consciousness.
It features 6 garage doors off of the living space on both levels of the home. Each garage door will have a retractable Panorama™ screen installed to keep out the noseeum bugs and keep the living space comfortable. With all of those openings, bugs would be inevitable. But Panorama™ offers a zero-energy solution to the pest issue.
I thoroughly enjoy this recent trend of garage doors in living spaces. It opens up a new world of possibilities and creates more indoor/outdoor living- just how we like it! See this cool post on the trend. For info on garage screens, visit here
This project is currently being finished in Belize and will have images taken after it is complete. Stay tuned… this project is breaking new ground in the energy-efficiency books!