Condon family living in Australia had been wanting for years to have a usable pool during the colder months. As the winter season is not productive for their business of farming. They were looking for a solution that can give them an outdoor pool that also safes them from harsh winter. They can enjoy their time. They did their research to find out what methods were available to have their pool covered and heated during the winter. Then they learned that Libart freestanding retractable enclosures provided open pool summers and closed pool winters. They decided to go with that option. Now, after having some experience with the pool and swimming laps every morning, they remains confident with their decision and enjoy their pools in winters also. The retractable pool enclosure protects the pool area from dirt and leaves that saves them a lot of time and hard work.
They enjoys the versatility of the structure as well as the heat gain. They also said that they doesn’t need to heat it much when they have the enclosure closed and solar cover on, even during the winter! They recommended libart for retractable enclosure in Australia.
The motion in the architecture can be simply said as Modern luxury fulfilling your dreams!
Freestanding Retractable Enclosure
Evolution Lean-To retractable roofs provide an operable extension to an existing building, giving you the flexibility of an indoor or outdoor living experience in the same area. Operation can be manual or motorized, utilizing SecurTrak™ or rail free TeleGlide™ system for ease of operation. Evolution Lean-To structures site specific and user needs from 3 base models. There are extensive door and window options to provide access and ventilation without opening the system.