For the Holiday Inn at Edison, New Jersey, the outdoor pool has been a revenue generator for many years. The Hotel has booked many Baptismals using the pool as part of the ceremony. But this only worked during fair weather.
Solution? Turn the outdoor pool into an indoor pool so that these events can be held year round without interrupting this important revenue stream. Libart was chosen to design, manufacture and install a turnkey retractable pool enclosure for the hotel.
“For the Holiday Inn at Edison, New Jersey, the outdoor pool has been a revenue generator for
many years. The Hotel has booked many Baptismals using the pool as part of the ceremony. But
this only worked during fair weather.”
“Solution? Turn the outdoor pool into an indoor pool so that these events can be held year round
without interrupting this important revenue stream. Libart was chosen to design, manufacture
and install a turnkey building for the hotel.”