Wind-Break Systems Create Positive Impact at Brunch Bakery


    Brunch Bakery

    One well-designed solution can mean a lot for a business. Cost-efficiency and flexibility plays a big role for any business’ performance. It is known that the first thing a restaurant should ask upon its establishment is to ask the question, “How can I increase my customer loyalty?” This may sound simple, but it requires intelligence, practicality, and awareness. Increasing the count of loyal customers is directly related to the level of comfort a customer experiences in a space. When simply put, a customer consciously and subconsciously observes his or her feelings throughout the time spent an establishment. These observations create a huge impact on the decision of whether to go there again or not.

    Libart’s windbreaking system serves the purpose of increasing the comfort level for all customers at this Brunch Bakery. Each feature has been thought about meticulously to help businesses achieve a nice outdoor seating area that is also comfortable and adaptable. The Panora Wind-break Systems in this project are now floor mounted. This gives the chance to move the boundaries of the area when needed. Additionally, it will not harm the solid surface finishing on the floor.

    Everybody wants to see beautiful scenery when they go out! This system comes with a flowerbox  attached to it. It makes the patio visually appealing and also helps enterprises bring a little nature inside their venue space.

    Eating at a restaurant should feel like a simple yet enjoyable activity to do for a customer. The ability to answer any wish a customer could ask for, is golden for restaurants. Thanks to Panora Wind-break Systems Brunch Bakery now brought the flexibility of motion to their patio and now have the ability to answer those wishes!

    Go to to learn more about the Panora Wind-break Systems as well as other amazing design products.

    Brunch Bakery
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Restaurant & Cafe
    Retractable Structures 

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